procedure of selection of ball bearing using manufacturer’s catalogue.

1 min read

 1) Calculate radial and axial forces and determine dia. of shaft.

2) Select proper type of bearing.

3) Start with extra light series for given diagram go by trial of error method.

4) Find value of basic static capacity (co) of selected bearing from catalogue.

5) Calculate ratios Fa/VFr and Fa/Co.

6) Calculate values of radial and thrust factors.(X & Y) from catalogue.

7) For given application find value of load factor Ka from catalogue.

8) Calculate equivalent dynamic load using relation. Pe = (XVFr + YFA) Ka.

9) Decide expected life of bearing considering application. Express life in million revolutions L10

10) Calculate required basic dynamic capacity for bearing by relation.

11) Check whether selected bearing has req. dynamic capacity, IF it not select the bearing of next series and repeat procedure from step-4


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