FAR CRY 3 is available for free on Ubisoft Store for now

Avail FAR CRY 3 for free on ubisoft Store, free giveaway
2 min read
Far Cry 3 is one of the most beloved first person survival shooting game and is currently available for free on the Ubisoft store. Just create a Ubisoft account, go for Far Cry 3 and click on GET IT FOR FREE button to avail the giveaway. Giveaway will expire on September 11, so you have some time to get a copy. And yes, once redeemed, the game is yours to keep forever.
Far cry 3 is available for free on ubisoft Store
Source: Wikipedia

As we know Far Cry 6 is initially releasing on 7 October 2021, So that ubisoft is most likely want us to experience Far Cry 3 if anyone not already. 

Far cry 3 is available for free on ubisoft Store
Source: Ubisoft.com

While it's disappointing that Ubisoft effectively eliminated console audiences, Far Cry 3 is a relatively old game and often goes on sale. It can be easily obtained for as low as US $ 3 under the right conditions. If you are new to the Far Cry franchise, we recommend you use Far Cry 3, primarily for its fireproof smell. If you haven’t given Far Cry 3 a go before, now’s the perfect chance to do so before the free giveaway ends on September 11.
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