Factors to be Considered while Designing Machine Parts to Avoid Fatigue Failure

Variation in the size of the component should be as gradual as possible. The holes, notches and other stress raisers should be avoided.
1 min read

The following factors should be considered while designing machine parts to avoid fatigue failure:

  • Variation in the size of the component should be as gradual as possible.
  • The holes, notches and other stress raisers should be avoided.
  • The proper stress deconcentrators such as fillets and notches should be provided wherever necessary.
Factors to be Considered while Designing Machine Parts to Avoid Fatigue Failure Factors to be Considered while Designing Machine Parts to Avoid Fatigue Failure Factors to be Considered while Designing Machine Parts to Avoid Fatigue Failure
  • The parts should be protected from corrosive atmosphere.
  • A smooth finish of outer surface of the component increases the fatigue life.
  • The material with high fatigue strength should be selected.
  • The residual compressive stresses over the parts surface increases its fatigue strength.

Textbook of machine design by khurmi, gupta

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