What is mechanical engineering?

1 min read

Mechanical Engineering is one of the widely recognised and appreciated branch of the engineering expertise that applies the principles of physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. If you see from the bottom then you will find that arround you, there will be hardly a thing that is not related to the mechanical engineering.It is the branch of engineering that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design, production, and operation of machines and tools.

Mechanical Engineers are one who apply mechanical sciences to real life application.

Science - The branch of study that explains theoretically the functioning of the nature around.

Engineering- The branch of study which uses science for innovative applications inspired by nature.

Mechanical Engineering- A sub branch of engineering which deals with forces and its effects.

Exaggeration- Mechanical engineers - When we screw, even the metal cracks.

Mechanical engineers are not only design new mechanical systems but they are also responsible for testing, maintaining and manufacturing them. Nowadays the scope of mechanical engineering is expanding beyond its traditional boundaries.

Mechanical engineers are focussing their attention towards new areas of research such as nano-technology, development of composite materials, biomedical applications, environmental conservation, etc. The ever increasing scope of this particular job profile now requires professionals to get into financial and marketing aspects of product development and even into people and resource management. All in all mechanical engineering offers a wide bouquet of job options to students who are looking for a stable and stimulating career.

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