Steam Generating Capacity:
45 to 50 tones/hour
120 atm. Temp 500 °C.
Working principle of La-mont Boiler :
This boiler works on basic principle of forced circulation maintained by steam driven centrifugal pump.If the water is circulate by a pump inside the tube, the heat transfer rate from gas to the water is increase.
Various part of La-mont boiler :
1) Economizer.2) Centrifugal pump.
3) Evaporator tube.
4) Grate.
5) Furnace.
6) Super heater.
7) Water steam separator drum.
8) Air Preheater.
Working of La-mont Boiler :
- A feed pump forces the water into the economizer where the temperature of water is increases.
- This water forced into the evaporator tube by using centrifugal pump driven by steam turbine. Water passes 10-15 times into the evaporator tube.
- The mixture of saturated steam and water is formed inside the tube.
- This mixture sends to the steam separator drum which is outside the boiler.
- Steam from the separator sends to the economizer where the saturated steam is converts into superheated steam.
- The water again sends to the economizer where it again passes by the evaporator tubes.
- The air from the air preheater enter into the furnace where fuel burn.
- The flue gases first heat the evaporator tube then passes by the super heater.
- These gases from the super heater again use to preheat the air into air preheater before exhaust into atmosphere.
Advantages of La-mont Boiler :
- High Pressure Boiler.
- Flexible in design.
- Easily start.
- Higher heat transfer rate.
- Reassemble in natural circulation.