Internal Combustion Engine | Classifications

The Internal combustion engine is more popularly known as I.C. engine. It is a heat engine which converts the heat energy released by the combustion
1 min read

 Internal Combustion Engine:

  1. Explanation:
The Internal combustion engine is more popularly known as I.C. engine. It is a heat engine which converts the heat energy released by the combustion of the fuel inside the cylinder of the engine, into mechanical work.

In an internal combustion engine, the expansion of the high-temperature and high-pressure gases produced by combustion applies direct force to some component of the engine. The force is applied typically to pistons, turbine blades, rotor or a nozzle. This force moves the component over a distance, transforming chemical energy into useful work.

Classification of I.C. Engines:

  • Nature of thermodynamic cycles as:

  1. Otto cycle engine
  2. Diesel cycle engine
  3. Dual combustion cycle engine

  • Type of the fuel used:

  1. Petrol engine
  2. Diesel engine.
  3. Gas engine
  4. Bi-fuel engine

  • Number of strokes as

  1. Four stroke engine
  2. Two stroke engine

  • Method of ignition as:

  1. Spark ignition engine, known as SI engine
  2. Compression ignition engine, known as C.I. engine

  • Number of cylinder as:

  1. Single cylinder engine
  2. Multi cylinder engine

  • Position of the cylinder as:

  1. Horizontal engine.
  2. Vertical engine.
  3. Vee engine.
  4. In-line engine.
  5. Opposed cylinder engine.

  • Method of cooling as:

  1. Air cooled engine
  2. Water cooled engine

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